How to get AdSense approval


Even if you've got a great idea for an online business, it's no good unless you can get your website approved by Google. And this is not as simple as it m

ay seem. In fact, there are lots of factors to consider, including how well your site will perform on search engines and whether or not it's actually legal to use AdSense on all things! But if you're ready to make some money online, here are 10 steps that will help you start earning with AdSense right away:

Building a good website is just the first step.

You need a website that is well designed and easy to navigate, with the right amount of information. This can be done by hiring an experienced web designer who knows how to write SEO-friendly content and make it load quickly on all devices.

You also want your site to be updated regularly, so you can keep users coming back for more content.

AdSense approval may take time.

AdSense approval may take time. The process can take up to three weeks, but you'll know when your application has been approved if you see the message "Your account" in the bottom left corner of any page on Google AdSense for Publishers.

You can also check your application status by logging into your AdSense account and clicking on the "My Applications" link at the top of any page within that section.

A Google account is needed to apply for AdSense.

You need to have a Google account in order to apply for AdSense. If you don't already have one, create one here:

The easiest way to get started with applying for AdSense is by creating an AdSense application from within the AdSense application itself. When you're ready, click "Create new application" and choose whether or not you'd like us to review your site before approving it (this varies by country). Once we've reviewed your site and decided that it meets our quality standards, we'll send a confirmation email with details about what's next!

Apply from within your AdSense account.

To apply from within your AdSense account, follow these steps:

  • Log in to your AdSense account. If you do not have an account yet, click [Get started].

  • Click the "Apply for ads" link at the top of any page on this website or in an email sent by Google. You can also use this button if you’ve been accepted into Google Ads but haven’t yet received access to ads and scripts (see below).

You can use the same account for multiple sites.

You can use the same account for multiple sites. If you have multiple websites, it's a good idea to create an AdSense account for each one. This will allow you to track your performance across all of them and make sure that they're getting the same amount of traffic and revenue as other sites in your network.

You can use the same account for multiple users. It's also possible to create an AdSense account using a shared Google account that is linked with one or more individual accounts (such as Gmail or YouTube). In this case, if someone signs up for an ad campaign on one of those other accounts then their existing data will be synced over automatically into their new campaign settings when they log in with their main Google password at some point down the road—which means there won't be any extra steps needed from anyone else involved in setting up those campaigns!

There is no need for your site to be fully functional before applying for an AdSense account.

There is no need for your site to be fully functional before applying for an AdSense account. You can add content and links to your website later, so long as the page is complete and contains all of the necessary elements (such as titles, descriptions, and navigation menus).

In fact, it's even possible to apply for an AdSense account on a pre-existing website that has not yet been published or launched. This will help you speed up approval time if you're able to show Google that there's already traffic coming from people who are interested in seeing what they've designed!

Initially, you'll see a blank page in your account until approval is granted.

Initially, you'll see a blank page in your account until approval is granted. This can take anywhere from one to two weeks. Once you've been approved and given access to your ad units, there are three ways for Google to let you know about this:

  • You'll receive an email (usually with an attachment) that tells you that Google has approved or rejected your app. The message will also include instructions on what to do next if they reject it again. If they approve it, then don't worry about these messages; just click through them as if they were emails from friends asking for help with some kind of project or challenge!

  • If no message appears after being approved, then something went wrong during the approval process—you weren't able to log in correctly or fill out all of the necessary forms correctly (for example). In this case, we recommend contacting support@googleadsensebotservicebotservicebotservice by sending us an email at support@googleadspersonalservicesolutionsservicesolutionsservicesupportteamus

Be sure to read everything carefully and follow all the guidelines.

  • Be sure to read everything carefully and follow all the guidelines.

  • If you don't understand the guidelines, ask a member of our team for help!

The approval system is thorough but fair, and approval can be obtained by anyone who follows the guidelines with trust

The approval system is thorough but fair, and approval can be obtained by anyone who follows the guidelines with trust.

In this article, we'll explain how to get AdSense approval from Google in order to make money from your website or blog.


AdSense approval is a lengthy process, but it’s worth the time and effort.

You can build your own website using the AdSense platform or use one that's already been created for you. The important thing is to have patience and follow all of Google's guidelines when applying for an AdSense account.
