Who is the Just leader of Islam?


The word 'Mahdi' means 'Guided One. He is a figure who will appear before the Day of Judgment with Jesus (PBUH) to defeat Dajjal and rule for seven years on earth after which he will die a natural death.

The undefeated leader of Islam is the Mahdi (aka Imam Mahdi, Imam Mehdi, etc).

The Mahdi is the leader of Islam, who will appear before the day of judgment to unite all Muslims. He is a descendant of Muhammad (PBUH), and his name means "the guided one." The Mahdi will appear with Jesus (PBUH) to defeat the Antichrist Dajjal.

The Mahdi will be a descendant of Muhammad (PBUH) who will appear before the day of judgment to unite all Muslims.

The Mahdi will be a descendant of Muhammad (PBUH), who will appear before the day of judgment to unite all Muslims. He will appear in Mecca, where he will kill all those who oppose him or his teachings. The Mahdi’s army is said to number millions and has been promised by Allah as many weapons as they can carry.

 He will appear before the Day of Judgment, and he will be a descendant of Muhammad (PBUH). The Mahdi will unite all Muslims, who at that time will face their sins and repent for them.

Jesus (PBUH) will be with him on this day so that they can both preach to the people about God and his love for them.

The '12th' Imam of Shia Islam was believed to have been a child when his father was murdered and was hidden from the people by Allah so that he could return at a later date as the Mahdi.

The '12th' Imam of Shia Islam was believed to have been a child when his father was murdered and was hidden from the people by Allah so that he could return at a later date as the Mahdi.

The 11th Imam, who was also known as Muhammad al-Mahdi, died in 765 CE at age 45. He is considered by many scholars to be one of the most important Imams in Shia history because it is believed that he will restore justice and righteousness to humanity during his reign as leader of all Muslims after killing his enemies with just one look in his eyes.

In addition to being an important figure within Shia Islam, Muhammad al-Mahdi's father also played an important role in establishing Sunni beliefs about how much power each group should have over other groups: if there were no limits placed on what groups could do or say then there would be no way anyone could trust anyone.

The Mahdi will appear with Jesus (UH) to defeat the Antichrist Dajjal.

Jesus will return to earth with the Mahdi and defeat the Antichrist Dajjal.

Jesus' death is not a natural one but rather a martyrdom that he accepts willingly in order to save mankind from destruction. He then ascends into heaven, where he remains until his second coming as promised in many religions.

Jesus' reign on Earth lasts 7 years after which he returns again with the Mahdi (the last Prophet) for another battle against Dajjal (Antichrist).

They will then rule for a period of 7 years during which Jesus will live on earth and die a natural death.

The Mahdi will live on earth for 7 years, during which time he will rule with Jesus. During this time, there will be peace and prosperity on earth. Then, Jesus will die a natural death, at which point the Mahdi rules the world for about another 10 years before he too dies (or is killed). This pattern has been repeated throughout history; it's what happened to Mohammed when he died and was replaced by Abu Bakr who became caliph until his own death in 632 CE.

'I believe in God, and in His Prophets, and that which has been revealed to us and that which was revealed to Abraham, Ismail, Isaac, Jacob, and the Tribes...' - Quran 2:136

The Quran is the perfect book for all times, for all people, and for all circumstances.

It has been revealed by Allah to guide us on the straight path. It has been collected into one book that can be read and followed easily by everyone who wants to know about Allah and His religion.

The verses of this holy text are eternal truths that cannot be changed or corrupted by anyone; they have lived through time without losing their meaning or purpose: they remain as they were when they were first revealed to Prophet Muhammad (PBUH).


The fact that there are many different sects of Islam and that the movement has been around for centuries makes it difficult to define who is the 'right' leader.

However, if you look at what God says about this then it's clear he does not intend for anyone to take his name in vain by claiming themselves as such without any proof being given as evidence supporting their claim whatsoever!
