Best uses of different mobiles

for new users.

The use of touch on mobile devices has been on the rise, with more than 80 American adults accessing the web on their phone or pad at least once per month in 2017 according to ComScore

1:Use of iPhones; 

We're always on our phones, but how often do you need your earbuds? This new technology allows users to pause and play audio without removing it from their ears, making it easier and more comfortable.

They are INGENIOUS They have revolutionized the way we communicate and think.

iPhone is true - of - a kind of invention that will never get boring or old because there's always something new happening on these devices.

The iPhone is a versatile device that can be used for so many things. It's perfect for taking pictures, listening to music, or even browsing the web if you need some inspiration.

The iPhone has many amazing features, which we'll get into later but here are some of my favorites: video recording at 1080p resolution with Gehrig stabilization time-lapse mode photos can be taken while recording video Live Streams over WiFi networks with Macey Might's video tutorial below showing how easy it really is. 

The iPhone can also do basic math equations like 24 divided by 7 which makes it great if you ever need an answer down in the grill but don't want anyone else seeing what's on their mind.

2:Uses of android mobiles;

Android is a favorite for a reason you can customize it to fit your lifestyle. From choosing your background to downloading and installing apps from anywhere - your phone is an extension or manifestation of yourself so why wouldn't you want it to reflect who you really ARE?
Android is the most popular operating system for smartphones and tablets in the world, it has been used by over one billion consumers. With this many people having access, it's no wonder that there has been some amazing innovation and creativity with tech ideas like customizable home screens that can be designed specifically for you with pictures from your favorite places around town or favorite apps they might not yet know they want on their device 
In this vein, we'll look at how designers have harnessed the functionality of these powerful tools in creative ways such as creating wallpapers that act more like short animations when pulled down from their app drawer onto extra large screen TV.

3:The use of mobile in the field of technology;

 has been revolutionizing how people live their lives. From being able to check on crops from the field or at home if there have been any problems with products to being able to communicate with family members who live far away without having a landline telephone just about anywhere you go these little devices really make life easier.

4:The use of mobile in the field of cinema;

The use of mobile devices in cinema is constantly expanding, and this is for good reason. The number and variety of movies you can see on your phone or tablet are practically unlimited.
A great deal has changed since movies first came out onto screens at theaters.
But one thing that hasn't changed much at all can be found very close - at hand: Your phone.

The use of mobile devices in cinema has been on the rise, as people's viewing habits shift from sitting in one place with a television set at home or work - to wherever they happen upon an interesting scene while walking down the street or waiting in line at the store.
