Tips and tricks of pro players in PUBG


PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds is a battle royale game that has become a huge hit in recent months. The game is available on PC, Xbox One, and PlayStation 4. In this guide, we'll talk about how to be a better player of PUBG by learning from professional players and their practices. We'll also give you some tips on how to improve your skills with these tips!

Reduce scope sway

Scope sway is a major issue for players, and there are several ways to reduce it. There are three main types:

  • Low magnification scopes have less of an effect on scope sway than high magnification ones do. They're useful if you want to focus on aiming your gun or not having to manually adjust your camera when moving around.

  • Medium-magnification scopes can be used in conjunction with low or medium magnifications (or both), depending on what you need at the time. You'll want two versions: one with low magnification and one with high so that they're easy to switch between as needed. This allows you to keep track of where enemies are while also making sure they don't see you before firing back—which is especially important if they're behind cover!

Scout for enemies

  • Use the minimap to scout for enemies. The minimap can be used to spot red dots and circles on your screen, which indicate that there are enemies nearby. When you see one of these things, you're encouraged to check your surroundings before making any decisions or actions.

    This is especially useful when playing online with other players because they will often take advantage of hiding in bushes or buildings while they fire at you from afar--you need all the information available before deciding whether or not it's safe enough for them to approach!

Know your weapons

  • Know your weapons. The recoil, damage, and range of each weapon are important to know. If you're using a rifle with high damage but low accuracy, it'll be more effective at close range than long distances.

  • Use the right weapon for the right situation. Assault rifles are great for killing enemies from a distance because of their high accuracy and rate of fire (ROP). Shotguns are good for close-quarters combat because they have a good spread pattern and can kill enemies quickly if you get up close enough to them with your own assault rifle or sniper rifle!

  • Use snipers wisely but don't be afraid to use them as well! Snipers aren't just used to take out opponents from afar; they're also good for picking off weak points on buildings or tall objects so that other players won't notice until it's too late!

Practice recoil control

One of the most important things you can do to improve your PUBG skills is practice recoil control. This can be done by shooting from different positions and stances—from a crouch, prone position, standing position, and kneeling position.

Use headphones with good sound quality

The best headphones for PUBG are those that have a mic and good sound quality. You'll want to find something comfortable and easy to use, too.

For example: if you're playing solo in a vehicle, it's possible that other players might be using the same set of headphones as you—and that can make things awkward if they start talking without realizing it. If your opponent is wearing a different brand of a headset than yours (or even worse, not wearing any headset at all), then there may not be much reason for them to talk into their microphone unless they just really want everyone else to hear what they have to say!

Constantly check the minimap

The minimap is your best friend in PUBG. It's the easiest way to keep track of the map, and it can be used for a variety of different things.

  • Use it to check your bearings: If you're looking at a building that has been destroyed by an explosion or fire, then take note of which direction it was facing before its destruction so that you don't get lost when trying to find someone else's location after they've moved around in search of loot or safe zones (more on those later).

  • Use it as an indicator for enemies: Check out where enemies tend to spawn at any given time using an online radar tool like [this](https://www-4a7f8ac9c1a44b0609d68ddd3ff571e6-c5aa8831d93b14f085dc865b923be2ab78f2ee078909991efbf21eed). This will tell you when and where there are likely going be more players than usual because they're currently busy fighting over resources or defending themselves from attack from other groups nearby - so take advantage!

Don't sprint in urban areas

Don't sprint in urban areas.

Like we said, this is a good way to get shot. You may be thinking that you can outrun anyone who gets close enough to shoot you and that's true, but there's more than one reason why it's not a good idea. First off, if someone is running at full speed towards your location and they hear footsteps behind them (you), then they'll know exactly where their target is coming from at any given moment because it'll be impossible for them not to know when this person was moving around until now—and even then it would take some time before they could pinpoint exactly where he/she went after leaving their original position; so chances are high that even if someone wants revenge on another player who has just killed them earlier today or yesterday afternoon while playing PUBG Mobile on mobile phones...Well...You get the point right?

Check doors before entering a structure

  • Check for enemies and explosives.

  • Use the left mouse button to open doors.

  • Use the right mouse button to close doors.

  • Check the minimap before entering a structure so you know what's around you!

Keep an eye on the play zone at all times

The play zone is the area where you can be safe from other players. In PUBG, this means that if you're playing on Miramar and your team has chosen a location in which there are no buildings, then it's called an open field.

The blue circle represents a safe zone where you'll be able to survive until the next round. This means that if someone comes into this area (the blue circle), they'll have to fight or leave immediately—and if they don't do either of those things, then they'll die!

Get a good gaming mouse

A good gaming mouse is the most important factor in your game. It's not just about how fast you can move your mouse, but also how accurate it is and whether or not it suits your hand size. If you want to know more about choosing the right one for yourself check out our article on the best gaming mice!

It's also important to consider the features that come with each product:

  • DPI (dots per inch) - This refers to how many pixels are displayed on the screen by each individual sensor. High dpi sensors give better precision than low-DPI ones because they're capable of tracking small movements faster; however, this comes at a cost since higher resolution images require more processing power from your computer; so keep this in mind when buying one!

  • Sensor type - There are two types of sensors used by mice today: optical & laser-based IR lasers which emit invisible infrared light waves that bounce back off objects nearby creating an image using whatever surface material there happens to be around them at any given moment (like wood panels). Optical scanners work well indoors but do poorly outdoors due to their limited line-of-sight capabilities which makes them hard/unreliable targets when playing outside during daylight hours."

Loot many houses at once and then leave the area

One of the best ways to get loot is to run around and scavenge houses. But if you’re not careful, it can be easy for other players to see where you are and come after your loot. To avoid this, try moving from one house to another in a matter of minutes—if someone comes after you, they won't have time enough before everyone else gets there too!

Another way that pro players use this tactic is by camping near an area full of houses so they can pick up their gear while waiting on others who might be going past them. This way they don't have to worry about others seeing them getting ready for battle or looting bodies (which could cause problems).

With these tips, you can up your game.

When it comes to playing PUBG, there are many aspects that can improve your game. These tips and tricks will help you get a good gaming mouse, practice recoil control, and more.

  • Get a good gaming mouse: A high-quality mouse is an essential part of any player's arsenal when it comes to PUBG.

    It should be able to handle fast movements and its buttons should feel responsive as well as clickable at all times.* Practice recoil control: Recoil occurs when you shoot your weapon and the bullet goes out of control due to gravity or force.* Scout for enemies: Scouts are important because they let players know where other players might be located in an area before they make their move.* Loot houses at once then leave area - If you have the opportunity while looting houses then try doing this so that no one else gets robbed by someone else who has already looted them before them (this can also apply if someone else is looting yours).


We hope you've enjoyed this article. We encourage you to share your own tips with us on our Discord server, and we're always happy to learn more about the game and how it can be played better.
