how to work on fiver


Let's get started!

sign up for an account

If you don't have an account, click on the "Sign Up" button at the top of this page to get started.

If you already have a Fiver account, sign in to it by entering your email address and password. You'll be prompted to create a new password if it's not already there; do so now! You'll receive an email that confirms your enrollment into our program. Click on the link in this confirmation email when it arrives (or go directly to https://www.fiverrhelpdesk/.com/accounts if that doesn't work).

create a profile

Now that you have your business page set up, it's time to start creating content. The best way to get started is by creating a profile picture and description for yourself. You can use the same image for both of these things or create two different ones depending on what works best for you. As far as descriptions go, keep them short and sweet—just enough information so people know who they're looking at without giving away too much personal information like their full name or address (unless they ask). If they do want more info about themselves than just "Hey!" then provide some basic details in the bio box instead of making them guess at what's going on behind closed doors!

A great way to promote yourself online is by adding banner ads with links back into all of our articles here on Fiverr - just click anywhere inside any text field when editing an article so we can easily see how many visitors have been coming through each post during this last week alone!

add at least one gig

  • Choose a gig

  • Add descriptions, prices, and images

  • Add videos and payment methods (if applicable)

  • Add locations (if applicable)

now you are ready to work on fiver

Now that you're ready to work on Fiverr, it's time to start.

First, go through the steps below:

  • Select a gig from the list of gigs in your region and then click "Get Started" next to it (or tap the gig icon).

  • Choose either an existing gig or create a new one by entering details about what you'll do for that project. You can also see whether or not other people have taken on similar projects before by checking out their ratings and reviews; this will help give you an idea of whether or not they did good work as well!

We hope this guide has helped you get started with a fiver and we’re excited about what the future holds for us as a platform. We want to create a place where creators can share their work, connect with others and make their dreams come true.

how to get our first order on fiver

Getting your first order on fiver is very simple as long as you follow these steps.

post your gig

To get your first order, you need to post your gig in the right place at the right time.

  • Posting on the wrong category or time will not help you get customers.

  • If you’re trying to sell something like food or drinks, it might be best to post in a different category than music. For example, if you wanted to sell food and music together as an event venue for weddings and parties, then maybe put up a “Weddings & Events Venue” post instead of just another “Music Venue” post (unless that was really what was happening).

  • You can also try posting during off hours or days when there aren't many people around so they don't see any ads from other local businesses competing with them (or even worse—competing directly against each other). Just remember that these things take time so don't expect instant results!

make sure you are using the right keyword for your gig

Before you even think about submitting your gig to Fiverr, make sure you are using the right keyword for your gig.

  • Use the keyword that you think will be searched by people who may want to purchase your product or service. This can be tricky because it's hard to predict what people might search for, especially if they don't have a lot of experience with Fiverr. You could end up with a ton of traffic from customers who are looking for something completely different than what you offer!

  • Be careful not to use too competitive or general keywords (i.e., "programming services"). These types of searches tend not only to be low-quality but also more expensive because they cost more per click and often result in many fake reviews from people whose sole purpose was just trying out their new favorite app/tool/service etc...

don’t offer something you can’t do or can’t deliver

When you’re trying to get your first order, it’s important that you don’t offer something that you can't do or can't deliver. This is especially true if you're offering a service that has never been done before. If the person who is interested in what you have to offer has never heard of it before, then they may not know how much time and energy goes into making sure everything runs smoothly and efficiently for them.

If someone asks about something on your website or page but doesn't want it because they don't want to spend any money on shipping (or anything else), just say no! No matter how much money we make from our customers—or how many orders we ship each month—we will never charge customers for anything unless it's necessary for us as well as the customer's needs; otherwise our company would go bankrupt in no time flat!

When choosing what products/services should be offered through Fiverr:

give some freebies to your buyers(like bonuses)

Give your buyers something that is of value to them.

Make sure you are offering something that will make them want to buy from you again.

Don't forget to give a bonus when they order their first order!

respond quickly to your client's questions and also deliver on time

When you respond to your client's questions and concerns, they will feel like they are being heard. They may even be grateful that someone is taking the time to answer them before making a purchase.

As soon as you can, deliver on time! If there's anything in particular that needs doing or if it will take some time (like shipping), let them know right away so that they don't get frustrated waiting for something that wasn't promised at all.

Don't leave any confusion behind when things go wrong - make sure everyone involved knows what happened exactly so they can avoid these issues in future projects together!

getting your first order on fiver is very simple as long as you follow these steps

Getting your first order on Fiverr is very simple as long as you follow these steps:

  • Make sure you are using the right keyword for your gig.

    Don’t offer something that can be done in a few hours, if not it will end up with no leads or sales at all.

  • Don’t offer something that can’t be delivered within the time frame of the gig and make sure that what you deliver meets the expectations of your buyer(s). If they aren’t happy with their purchase then they will probably leave negative feedback which means no business relationship between both parties!


We hope this article has been helpful to you and will help you get your first order on fiver. If you have any questions, feel free to comment below or contact us with all your needs! We are always here for you!
