The setting sun, the mixed orange yellow, and red gaze of the high sky, my eyes stuck on the moving sun, everyone's doing his/her own fun, passing their time to move on .....

A decent old man wearing his traditional shalwar qameez came to my bench, made his space, and sat down quietly. Just like me, lost his own thoughts, he didn't take notice of me sitting beside him. All of a sudden a ball came flying and stuck my hands under my cheeks.
Drag me out of my world and a boy came and took his ball off.

 The old man, tired of his unstoppable thoughts, addressed me and asked me about my life, my living, my nows, and the crowns I earned during this span of my hardly 23 years. I took a deep breath and to answer his question about the best part of my life, I just jumped into my ever happy part of memories, the area of my brain, always kept me happy, my university life memories...

And yeah, for me, that was the best time of my life; happy, memorable, exciting, thrilling, learning, and to some extent teaching what I knew at that time. I don't know where to start writing about uni life and where to put a full stop. Anyways, the day I got admission to a medical university, I made some perceptions about it. I had some idea of its pros and cons, I had t adjust to the hostel, and I had to live without my family. I had to solve my issues on my own and celebrate my achievements on my own...

Anyway, I started my university with a lot of enthusiasm and excitement, thinking of making new friends and having new teachers and roommates. Let's tell you something about a casual day spent in university and hostel

 Uffff, this irritating alarm tone, the first thing I came to contact with after jumping into my real world... Actually, I have to face this irritating alarm twice a morning, once for my morning prayer and then sleeping again and then before my university time to make myself presentable. So, somehow survived that alarm and got up for university, picked up my toothbrush, toothpaste, hand wash, and facewash, and put my feet out of my room. Stepped into the washroom and a row of hostilities brushing and washing. Made my space and started the very first task of my uni day. Then coming to my room and picking my hanging pressed clothes or uniform on Mondays and Wednesdays, changed my dress, put my face hijab on, picked up my bag, put off my phone from the charger, put on my shoes, and said goodbyes to my roommates. Passing through mess hall but not having any mood of breakfast, filling my bottle with cold water and saying slam to mess uncle and going away.

 The first difficult task of the day, passing through the bridge with a lot of stairs, tiring and irritating, In the morning, crossing many students, trying to make some snap of the day, revising the routine of today, and a lot of thoughts

Then entering the classroom and saying slm to everyone, took my seat in the front with my friends, a few day scholars, and my roommates. The day begins and professors come, deliver their regular lecture on the projector, ask some questions, give some pieces of advice and go away with their laptops. We taking lectures, using phones in between, going to uni cafe to make some breakfast, discussing the gone and the coming lectures, making some jokes with the friends, laughing and smiling and making memories.....

After taking the last lecture, packing our bags and going back to the hostel by passing through those tiring stairs, gossiping and laughing and complaining about the tiring day .... Entering the mess hall, looking at the menu, and deciding with the friends of today's lunch and ordering it, waiting for it to be delivered and started having the first peaceful meal of the day. Leaving for the room, opening the lock, keeping the bag and scarf in their places, and changing the uniform. After being fresh and making wuzoo , praying our Zuhr and falling on our beds and having long breaths ... Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh.!!!!!!!!!!!!!

 After using some phone, replying to our family, checking out Facebook, insta, and Snapchat, and then throwing them and putting on our comforters and going to our dreamy world ... Uffff not again !!!! That irritating alarm tone and sleepy we ... Anyhow, getting out of our beds again, making wuzoo and praying our Asar, making Duas and then packing our bags once again, putting in the charger and the water bottle, getting ready for going to study room to complete our homework .... Then at about 8 pm, there was a group called for dinner.We gathered once again at the dining hall, discussing and laughing and doing dumbs.

 Till 11 pm, we studied in our study room and then went back to our rooms. Resting for some time and making our Esha prayer and then cutting fruits and making juice or milkshake. Taking the jug and glasses to the rooftop of our hostel, decorated with the shiny moon and the blinking stars and the wonderful silence and peace and cool winds and our gossip and laughs and much more, ah those days were the best !!! And then our day ended, with pressing our clothes and getting into our beds and saying good nights and scrolling our screens and sending some good wishes to our homies and again going into our dreams ............

 This was all about our routine day in university and hostel.

All of a sudden, the first drop of the rain touched my face and I was dragged out of my past times into nows and the uncle was staring at me, trying to read my emotions and those unsaid words which you may or may not have received .........!!!!!
